Morrigan, Celtic Goddess of Death

(Numéro de catalogue BOF17)

Bronze finished resin figurine by artist and sculptor Neil Sims. The Morrigan (meaning "phantom queen" or "great queen") is a Celtic goddess of battle, strife and fertility. She sometimes appears in the form of a blackened storm crow, seen flying high above the dead bodies of brave warriors fallen during mortal combat. She is generally considered to be a war deity comparable with the Scandinavian and Germanic Valkyrie or Walkuere; although her association with cattle also suggests an ancient role connected to fertility, rebirth and the renewal of once-barren lands.

This exquisite figurine was lovingly crafted by world-renowned Pagan artist, sculptor and tattooist Neil Sims. Hailing from the coastal town of South Shields in the North-East of England; Neil has devoted his entire life to the expression of his devout and ancient faith via the medium of his numerous artistic creations. Those amongst you who desire to learn more about this highly talented gentleman can find him on Facebook as Neil Blackbird Sims.

Height: 18 cm.

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